An Agricultural Future?
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Biodynamic Agriculture
By encompassing the natural environment in its overall vision, biodynamic agriculture aims to produce the best possible in ways that allow future generations to obtain the same – or even better – results. The soil itself is key in this type of agriculture,because it is ultimately dirt on which all life on earth depends, and in particular, the first metre of topsoil.
Bodega Cecchin, Mendoza
Claude and Lydia Bourguignon
Claude and Lydia Bourguignon are soil microbiologists, they study, experiment, analyze in order to better understand the main wine terroirs.Guests at an oenological lunch at the Hotel Albert 1er in Chamonix on Saturday the 25th of August 2012... Throughout the conference, the customers could discover the soil as they have never seen...
Homeopathy in service of the agriculture
Organic - Food, Farming and Health

Organic farming means farming with Mother Nature and the more people know about the benefits of organic, the better our environment will be. Let organic become the conventional of the future.
Organic agriculture
Traditional agriculture
Traditional agriculture, the most practised form of agriculture around the world, became commonplace following the two world wars, as it was during that era that knowledge about chemistry greatly increased. Traditional agriculture is based on treating the soil and plants with products that are more likely than not noxious, and more likely than not synthetically produced in a laboratory. These products are used to prevent disease or pests from blighting the plant.